There are other books that are easier to find but these are the most useful and reliable.
- Duncan Clarke & Miriam Ali-de-Unzaga – African Textiles: the Karun Thakar Collection (Prestel, 2015)
- Bernhard Gardi ed. – Woven Beauty: the Art of West African Textiles (Christoph Merian Verlag, 2009)
- Colleen E. Kriger – Cloth in West African History (Alta Mira, 2006)
- Chapurukha m. Kusimba et. al. eds. – Unwrapping the Textile Traditions of Madagascar (Fowler Museum, 2004)
- Silvis Forni & Doran Ross – Art, Honor, And Ridicule: Fante Asafo Flags from Southern Ghana (ROM/Fowler 2017)
- Venice Lamb – West African Weaving (Duckworth, 1975)
- Venice Lamb & Judy Holmes – Nigerian Weaving (Shell, 1980)
- Vanessa Drake Moraga – Weaving Abstraction: Kuba Textiles and the Woven Art of Central Africa (The Textile Museum, 2011)
- John Picton et. al. – History, Design and Craft in West African Strip Woven Cloth (Smithsonian, 1988)
- John Picton & John Mack – African Textiles (British Museum Press, 1989, 2nd Edition)
- Karl-Ferdinand Schaedler – Weaving in Africa South of the Sahara (Panterra Verlag, 1987)